Recent News and Updates

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User manual update for version 8.0 is available!

The German version of the user manual can be downloaded as a PDF document here. We have created an online help from the 230 pages for you here. The English version is coming up soon.

Lani 8 graphical user inferface rocks!

We've received very good feedback for the GUI of the new Lan-Inspector version 8. The work we've invested seems to have proven worth it. We are grateful for all the valuable notes we've received by our customers.

Lan-Inspector V8.0 beta for assurance users.

The new version of the Lan-Inspector is now available to customers with a running software assurance. All Lan-Inspector licenses are upgraded automatically to Lani V8.0 Enterprise Edition. Due to the separation into the Editions Basic, Professional and Enterprise the official release start is delayed. The official release is planned for the first quarter of 2015.
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