Recent News and Updates

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SECURITY UPDATE: Build#11108 Lani E-Mail Agent

This update fixes a security leak in the extended Lan-Inspector agent (LuBServie.exe) which sends inventory data via e-mail to the company database when no other connection to the company data base is possible. This doesn't apply to the usual lean LuBService.exe which is deployed automatically in the LAN. Furthermore a few functions have been disabled that could make changes to the data although the logged on user has write protection. Additionally, flickerings which appeared in the top bar sometimes have been removed.

Build#11090: Quality Rollup + new features

The new version delivers I-Doit Connector (, GUI improvements, anti SPECTRE mechanisms, AMD Opteron/EPYCRyzen CPU details and more detailed hardware scan. Furthermore, we massively optimized the scan init procedure in large networks and added Microsoft´s Server 2019 editions. You will find a more detailed overview of the changes here.

Lan-Inspector 11 R2 QR Setup released #

If you have a running software assurance, you can always access the latest setup build via the server panel. Click on the update button.

Improvement of our Data Security and Pricavy Policy

In order to offer a maximum of transparency to you, we have structurally improved our data security and privacy policy by adding all information about how we process and store data to provide our products and services, in compliance with the new GDPR.
VisLogic GDPR 2018

Lan-Inspector 11 R2 released

We recently released the new version of the Lan-Inspector R2. Customers with a running Software Assurance can download and install the new installer packages. We released R2 as a complete quality rollup and focussed on revising the software usage analysis. We also updated the German and English user manuals (also online version) to match the latest state.
Lan-Inspector Inventory User Manual (EN) >>.
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